A compassion fatigue seminar designed to enhance your personal wellness.
There is often an unexpected cost associated with care giving. Hearing stories of traumatic pain can lead to compassion fatigue, burnout, anxiety, and other mental health issues. This hour and a half seminar is designed for those who experience traumatic stress, or who are feeling the uncomfortable effects associated with long-term care provision. The seminar is designed to provoke awareness, encourage community, generate laughter, and inspire hope.
The workshop is designed for people who work in mental health and experience traumatic stress in their care giving relationships. Therapists, social workers, addictions counselors, clergy, child and family services workers, volunteers for palliative care, school counselors, college/university student development, 911 operators, and animal care professionals represent some of the people who have found this training beneficial. Although the seminar is typically conducted for professional caregivers, other groups of people may also find the training useful. Some of these include: high school student leaders, military families, and families living with incarceration or high-risk behaviours.
“The information shared by Dr. Chris Marchand on Compassion Fatigue and its influence on Christian workers was very helpful to me. Anyone involved in Caring Ministry needs to see this material for their own health and the health of their ministry.”
Holly Hovestol, M.A. Christian Ministries
Chaplain and Director of Worship and Arts
Oak Hills Christian College
Bemidji, Minnesota