A proactive compassion fatigue seminar to help you think about the personal costs of caring.
There is wisdom in the old saying, “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” This seminar will help you to think carefully about compassion fatigue before it becomes a problem for you. In this interactive hour and a half seminar, participants will consider the costs associated with caring and will be encouraged to develop a personal wellness plan.
The workshop is designed for people who work in mental health and experience traumatic stress in their care giving relationships. Therapists, social workers, addictions counselors, clergy, child and family services workers, volunteers for palliative care, school counselors, college/university student development, 911 operators, and animal care professionals represent some of the people who have found this training beneficial. Although the seminar is typically conducted for professional caregivers, other groups of people may also find the training useful. Some of these include: high school student leaders, military families, and families living with incarceration or high-risk behaviours.
“Care for the caregiver! This workshop alerted me to an often overlooked necessity - initiating a debriefing with a fellow professional or volunteer after they’ve been rocked by their experience of supporting someone traumatized by abuse, fear or a fatality (whether an immediate experience or the painful disclosure of a past trauma). Vital insights for anyone supervising those engaged in compassion ministries.”
David Dickey, M. Div.
Adult Ministries Pastor, and Stephen Ministries Supervisor
Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church
Steinbach, Manitoba